Loomis Associates International
Loomis Associates International

Blog, News and Events

At One with Ourselves


Aligning our lives with who we are brings peace. Is your everyday a reflection of who you are, the best self you have taken years to cultivate? Are you living your calling?


Identifying the values and priorities that are most important to us generates an extraordinary energy to do things we otherwise couldn’t imagine. This energy drives us beyond our limits and obstacles fall away. A sense of timelessness sets in as we are in the flow pursuing our vision. Reaching it is empowering and one of life’s most cherished miracles.


LinkedIn post, Sept 14, 2018

Loomis Careers: Mid-Career Transition Coaching

Loomis Careers offers executive coaching to professionals seeking to strengthen their current positions or transition to new ones. 


Using existing personal talent and skills and developing selected new ones, instill increased energy into a more purposeful and meaningful profession.  Our coaches work together with you to expand your capabilities and approach.  Your work and satisfaction will develop in alignment with your goals.


With our multi-lingual capabilities, we work in Russia, Europe, Latin America, and the U.S.

Contact Us Today!

To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please call +1 914 450 7680 or send an email to christine@christineloomis.com.



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Loomis Associates International's Next Act coaching has arrived to great acclaim.  Talented achieving professionals seek a Next Act, in which their commitment is to increasingly meaningful work.  After cooperatively designing a plan, they are on their way to balanced and fulfilling lives.

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